Episode 15: Where your focus goes...so goes your life..


In today's episode of Powered by Joy Podcast, we're diving into the wisdom of how we use our eyesight and focus while riding motorcycles and how we can apply the same principles to our lives. Ever heard the saying, "You can't move forward if you're looking back"?  We are unpacking that idea and relating it to the helpful skills needed while riding motorcycles.

First up, we're talking about the importance of keeping our eyes focused on where we want to go, just like when maneuvering a motorcycle through turns. It's not just about turning our eyes; it's about turning our whole body and mind towards our desired outcome in life.

Next, we're discussing the art of scanning the road ahead while also staying present to what's immediately in front of us. It's all about finding the balance between focusing on the future and dealing with the obstacles in our path right now. We need to learn to do this without focusing on the obstacle. 

So next, we explore the concept of target fixating, where worrying about potential problems can actually lead us straight into them. Instead, we learn to keep our eyes up, stay relaxed, take a breath, and keep forward-focused, trusting ourselves to navigate around obstacles.

And let's not forget about checking our mirrors. Just like on a motorcycle, it's essential to periodically reflect on our journey, adjust our course if needed, and ensure we're still on track toward our desired destination. (hint-life with less regret and more joy and pleasure)

Ultimately, our focus determines our destination in life. Whether we're stuck in the past, fixated on the future, or fully engaged in the present, it shapes the path we're on. So let's choose to be intentional, focus forward, and embark on an adventure filled with joy and purpose. 

If you are looking to dive deeper or looking for more one-on-one guidance with getting clarity on how to keep your focus on where you want to go and figuring out what that may even BE!  You can schedule time with me here-Clarity Call- One on One appt

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Episode 16: : setting Boundaries: beautiful or savage?


Episode 14: Conquer your Sh*t list: tackling procrastination head-on!